Was the Christmas Holly Jolly Fortune Bombing event good to you? Unfortunately many players have told us that they didn't get the chance to experience the blast. Well, to put this right we have decided to re-run it! Yes! It's the return of the Fortune Bombing event! So grab your eggs and get cracking!
Event Duration
January 18th, 2010 to January 24th, 2010 EST(GMT-5)
Crack your egg here: http://wl.igg.com/event/bombing/
Event Rules
1.To get the chance to crack the egg, players must first buy a Common Stone from the Item Mall. Each time they buy this item players will be given the chance to crack open an egg. However, please remember that if you buy the Common Stone from another player in game you will not receive the chance to crack open an egg.
2.Players can enter "Cracking chance Record" to check out how many times they are eligible to play the fortune bombing.
3.The chance to crack open an egg is only available during this event period. Once the event has ended then so will the cracking chance.
4.All the rewards will be given out during the maintenance on January 26th.
Common Stone: A Common stone. Can be traded.
Items Hiding in the Eggs
Unicorn Horse Card | Defence Armor |
4 Grass Leaves | Purple Devil's Spar |
Hot Potato | Gold Boots |
Gold Gloves | Glaze Bag |
3.5X Holy EXP Potion | Training Ticket |
VIP Card | Gold Swan Helmet |
Demon Scroll | Forgotten Scroll |
Pet Return Scroll | Hot Rice Cake |
The WLO Team