Respected VIP players,
From today on out, to express our gratitude to our VIP players for their continuous support, the GodsWar team has prepared a gift for each and every VIP member.
1. An account that accumulates a monthly exchange of 20,000 points will win 1 Rebirth Water and 4 Morning Dew5.
2. An account that accumulates a monthly exchange of 10,000 - 20,000 points will win 1 Silver Evasion Signet, 1 Gold Evasion Signet and 3 Morning Dew5.
3. An account that accumulates a monthly exchange of 5,000 - 10,000 points will win 1 Quartz Plate 4 and 2 Morning Dew5.
4. An account that accumulates a monthly exchange of 2,000 - 5,000 points will win 1 Level 4 Sapphire and 1 Morning Dew5.
5. An account that accumulates a monthly exchange of less than 2,000 points will win one of the following prize sets (player's choice):
50 Magic Healing Potions (1500G)
1 Durable Strong Pet Exp Potion + 1 Holy Exp Potion + 1 Elixir of Talent VII(1060G)
1 Energy Spring + 1 Energy Blessing Water + 1 Energy Holy water (1390G)
2 Fairy's Feathers + 5 Merged Spirits (1730G)
25 Level 1 Crystals + 10 Level 2 Crystals (1220G)
1. All prizes are bound, and will be delivered to the main character (highest level) on the account.
2. All prizes will be delivered on the first day of each month, or the first day after a holiday, if there is a holiday at the beginning of the month.
3. For the last category, VIP players must contact us via the Service Center within the designated time to give us your prize selection, otherwise NO prize will be delivered.
GW Team, IGG