For decades there have been rumors swirling around the pirate world of a hidden treasure left behind by the mysterious Pirate Lord's of lore. Clues have been discovered, but only recently has the key to answering them been revealed. The cryptic clues are in reverse, and to get the treasure, you must decipher what they are asking and give the correct answer! Emoc dna nioj eht nuf!!
Event Time
10:30pm July 29th EDT (GMT-4) Rainbow \ Diamond Isle \ Eclipse
11:00pm July 29th EDT (GMT-4) Starlight \ Moonlight \ Azure
10:30pm July 30th EDT (GMT-4) Treasure \ Thundoria \ Caribbean
11:00pm July 30th EDT (GMT-4) Fantasy \ Heaven
Event Location
Spring Town (3212, 2506)
Event Rewards
Dragon Treasure Chest for each question
Event Description
1. Players must have their VIP necklaces on them when they arrive at Spring Town (3212,2506) to sign up for the event. The GM will then add them as friends. Registration will be open for 10 minutes. Late-comers will not be allowed to join in the fun. After registration is complete, the GM will teleport players to the event location.
2. After the event starts, the GM will ask questions on Local Channel. Each word in all the questions will be placed in reverse order. Entrants need to read and understand the questions and give the GM the correct answers to each. The one who submits the right answer for each one will win the reward: a black dragon chest. The GM will only provide 10 questions.
Example Question:
Q: Nac uoy epyt eht htxis drow fo siht ecnetnes?
A: word
So the rewards in this case would go to the first player to type 'word' in Local chat.
Our GMs reserve the right to deal with any player who is deemed to be disruptive to the event. IGG reserves the right to final interpretation of event rules and rewards.