1-Star VIP Account: 3mil Gold Card and one Super Mystical Fruit (increase pet's exp by 1mil) and 2*Super Card (Third Prize) and 2*Shapeshifting Potion(Transforums you into a Flame Phoenix)
2-Star VIP Account: 3mil Gold Card and 2*Super Mystical Fruit (increase pet's exp by 1mil) and 2*Super Card (Second Prize) 4*Shapeshifting Potion(Transforums you into a Flame Phoenix)
3-Star VIP Account: 5m Gold Card and 4*Super Mystical Fruit (increase pet's exp by 1mil) and and 2*Super Card (First Prize) 6*Shapeshifting Potion(Transforums you into a Flame Phoenix)
Players can log into any character in the VIP account and redeem from the Mall Promoter in Woodlingor. The rewards will be sent to the character's inventory by the ingame mail.
Click Here to get the Rewards
From everyone at Myth War II Online and IGG we'd like to wish you a Happy everyday!
The MW2 Team